Alert, Awake, Alive

First Sunday in Advent
Today’s Readings: Isaiah 40: 1-11, Mark 13: 24-37

Happy New Year!

No, it’s not that we’re so anxious for 2020 to be over that we’re deluding ourselves into a magical fast-forward.  But this Sunday, the first Sunday in Advent, does start a new year in the Christian calendar. 

This Advent, we’re taking a hard look at H.O.P.E.  We’ll find hope together in the Heralds that proclaim something new, by being Open to the Promise of God, and in Expecting new birth–for Christ, and for ourselves. 

As you know, it had been our hope that the New Year would bring a blended worship service, with in-person and remote attendance, for our Advent Vespers and Christmas Eve services. However, with the number of covid-19 infections rising in the city, we’ve decided to suspend that plan until it is safe to gather in-person again.  Our aim is to stay connected to each other and our traditions, even as we adapt our practices this year.  To help us do just that, see below for our robust and joyful Advent offerings…throughout the season and on Christmas Eve.  

While this is the season of waiting, it is also the season of wonder and possibility.  We get to remember that God is with us!  That is cause for great hope indeed.  

Your Pastors,
Lea and K

Click here for today’s bulletin

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We continue to hold each other in prayer, you can add your prayer requests here.

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