Laboring in Love

Those worshipping in person should bring and wear a mask during the service. Masks will be available if you do not have one when you arrive. Windows and doors will also remain open during the services for additional air circulation, and ice water will be available.

Sunday, September 18 at 10 am | Bulletin

“The manager said to himself, ‘What will I do, now that my boss is taking away my job?'” Luke 16:3

Lots of news lately concerning something near and dear to many: our jobs! We hear about ‘quiet quitting’ (which is, basically, doing but not overdoing your job). We know people who have lost their jobs. We see we are still in the time of the ‘great resignation,’ as people are no longer putting up with work that grinds us down and fails to fulfill. We read about nearly a hundred members of congress who are using info received doing their jobs to game their investments. We speak with our migrant friends whose chief desire is to be permitted to work for their living. We talk about the need for work/life balance. And so on.

All of these things relate, in some way, to this week’s parable, sometimes called ‘The Parable of the Dishonest Steward.’ It is a baffling parable, even more baffling than most. But it helps to read it in context: after three parables about things that are lost (the lost sheep, the lost coin, the lost (prodigal) son), Jesus tells a story I’d like us to call ‘The Parable of the Lost Job.’

Join us Sunday as we explore this strange and wonderful parable, in light of everything going on around us!
