
Those worshipping in person should bring and wear a mask during the service. Masks will be available if you do not have one when you arrive. Windows and doors will also remain open during the services for additional air circulation, and ice water will be available.

Sunday, September 25 at 11 am | Bulletin

To: You (yes, you!)

From: Your Pastors & Church Family

Welcome Back Sunday! You are cordially invited to a celebration of God’s abundant love and extravagant welcome. On your way into church, you’ll be greeted outside and given a name tag. We hope that you can meet some new folks to our community and be reacquainted with others you already know. We’ll sing, pray, praise God, and listen to the good news that there is a seat for each one of us at the table of grace. Immediately following the postlude in worship, we’ll be guided in a time of connection. We hope you’ll stay and participate!

Sunday, September 25th at 11am
St. Paul & St. Andrew
263 West 86th St.
New York, NY 10024
No RSVP necessary. Just come!