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Event Series Faith & Fun Friday: Kids Edition

Faith & Fun Friday: Kids Edition

St. Paul & St. Andrew 263 W 86th St, New York

Kids ages 4 through 10 are invited to join us at the church for crafts, games, dinner and lots of fun. Parents are welcome to stay and join in the fun, or drop off the kids and enjoy a couple of hours of kid-free time. For more information, email Pastor Andrea.

Event Series Faith & Fun Friday: Youth Edition

Faith & Fun Friday: Youth Edition

St. Paul & St. Andrew 263 W 86th St, New York

Middle and High Schoolers, join us for our typical monthly shenanigans on the 2nd Friday of the month! This month be bowling and having a white elephant present exchange offsite. If you'll be attending please let Pastor Ekama know so I can send over the address