Making Space For Grace

Then Nehemiah said to the people, “Come, let us rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.”  Nehemiah 2:17 


Sunday will be special! First, it’s the ‘official’ kickoff to our Capital Campaign to ‘rebuild the walls’ (and, more particularly the roof!) of St. Paul & St. Andrew. We will be working on this campaign for the next 18 months, so it’s a big deal. Hopefully, the work we do together will enable this place to stand for years and years to come. Now is the time!

Second, we are celebrating the many, many volunteers who make the work of this place happen. So, if you help out in any way around here, please come and be thanked and blessed!

Our brassy friends from the Manhattan Horn Authority will be here to help celebrate (our house band, as it were). And after worship, please plan to stay for a short (we promise!) ‘Town Hall’ to hear about plans for the capital campaign and renovations.

Love you,