Worship & Sermon Archive

Enjoy past sermons and services with videos and notes below.

Reformation: Our Part in the Progress

For the last two weeks in worship and in Connect & Care, we've thought about God's ongoing work in reforming the world and us. 

Reformation: Re-forming the Word

This week, our October sermon series on 'Re-Formation' takes us to the pages of scripture. What would it mean to re-form scripture?

Reformation: Re-forming the World

My favorite quote by E.B. White is the famous, "I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve, or save, the world and a desire to enjoy, or savor, the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

Labor of Love: Getting To Our Enemies

Jesus never says, don’t have enemies, he just tells us what to do with them.

Labor of Love: Love Like We Do

This Sunday is packed with good stuff. First, we're back to worshipping at 11am.

Labor of Love: The Still More Excellent Way

How often have we heard 1 Corinthians 13 read at weddings? The irony, of course, is that marriage is probably the last thing St. Paul had in mind...

Labor of Love: Loves Labor Found

"God is love." Maybe because we've heard that a lot, we fail to recognize how radical a statement that is.

Finding Faith: Moving Those Mountains

This month we have been exploring the theme 'Finding Faith'. But two questions remain for me: How much do I need? and What is it good for?

Finding Faith: Agent of Shield

Captain America, Wonderwoman, Bucky Barnes. Bella Swan. What do they all have in common? They have shields (or are shields). Shields protect the body, repelling instruments of harm. 

Finding Faith: Working Faith

On Sunday, we'll continue in our worship series "Finding Faith." We'll delve into the perceived antagonism between faith and works this week, drawing from the epistle of James.

Finding Faith: This Far By Faith

After the past year and a half, it's challenging to know who, or what, to have faith in.  How can we learn to trust again--ourselves, each other, our God? 

Finding Faith

Our August theme is 'Finding Faith'. The past months and years have left many of us shaken, confused, frustrated, and questioning.

What’s Stopping Freedom?

As we explore the theme Towards Freedom this month, we have focused so far on the way we express freedom as individuals.

Free Us From Ourselves

As my seminary professor Chris Morse used to put it, God is the one who loves us into freedom and frees us to love.  I can't think of a better summary of Christian theology than that!  

As You Are

We are all vaguely familiar with the tale of David and Goliath, a story that has entered secular culture as a symbol of striving and thriving against overwhelming odds.

Towards Freedom

This Sunday, we'll be live and on Zoom for worship!  We'll come together from our homes or from wherever you have traveled to join our hearts and minds in real time, starting at 10am!

Pride in Process!

With great joy, I invite you to join us for worship this Pride Sunday!  For the first time, the entire service will be led by queer and beloved members of our church community. 

Be Opened

Does Jesus really call this woman and her daughter dogs?  That hits kind of low on the ‘What Would Jesus Do’ meter, even though Jesus does it. 

Crossing Jordan

How did you get through the last fifteen months? How are you getting through?

People Get Ready

In many ways, the past few weeks have made me feel like I could see again, move again, breathe again.