Worship & Sermon Archive
Enjoy past sermons and services with videos and notes below.
Must the Sword Devour Us Forever
What if the writer of 1st Peter, a chaplain and pastor to refugees, displaced & unhoused, made a pastoral call on King David? Would David’s fears have been relieved? Would his last gasp for vengeance be stilled? (read 1 Peter 3:9-15 for some clues).
Messenger With No Name
Have you ever had to be a bearer of bad news? How did you feel or what did you do to prepare to give someone a word that you knew was going to be hard?
Growing Up
Who's been watching the Olympics this week? I confess, I've missed most of it so far, except for a few of the preliminary events in women's gymnastics.
What Is a Miracle?
What is a miracle? I don't know how I feel about miracles. On the one hand, I feel like most things that happen have a simple, logical explanation. On the other, I can't picture moving through life without a constant feeling of wonder!
God Forgives, I Don’t
What a week! I don't know about you, but I think I'm all about tired of saying and feeling this. Continued political strife and violence, failing infrastructure at the hands of our inability to be good stewards of our resources, it's too darn hot/wet/windy...and on and on.
When the Truth Hurts
Sometimes the truth hurts. How often do you avoid saying something, even when something needs to be said, because you don't want to risk a friendship, a work situation, a family relationship? That's what John the Baptist's story is making me think about.
Travel Lightly
If you are like me, you are carrying a lot right now. A lot of anxiety about the state of our nation. Concern for those in the path of war and violence. Stress about our planet, as a warming climate threatens more and more dramatic weather events. Money worries, health worries, worries about loved ones.
Radical Attempt
Friends, this Sunday is a high holy day for us-- It's Pride! We'll reflect together about how being in relationship with queerness blesses us, grows us, and connects us to transformative possibilities.
If It Doesn’t Fit, Don’t Wear It
How often do we get placed into situations and expectations that are just not us? And how hard it is, then, to know and claim who we really are!
Making Space For Grace
Sunday will be special! First, it's the 'official' kickoff to our Capital Campaign to 'rebuild the walls' (and, more particularly the roof!) of St. Paul & St. Andrew.
Do I Want To Be Like Jesus In My Heart?
For better, or for worse (probably for worse if we’re being honest) human beings are deeply jealous creatures.
Which Way’s Up
I have a notoriously substandard sense of direction. This always distresses my dad, a Navy submariner who is gifted with an internal GPS.
Raise Your Words
As Julia Tulloch so cleverly put it last week, we are no longer mere Easter People, but Pentecost People.
Catching Fire
Pentecost! The birthday of the church! Pentecost! That day when nothing happened. Until everything happened.
Need a Lift?
I am naturally optimistic. Still, when we arrived at General Conference two weeks ago, I felt a sense of dread climbing up my spine.
Love Dares
Yesterday we received amazing, wonderful, "pinch me it's so fabulous news" from K and Lea and Aurora at General Conference. LOVE WINS!
On the Road Again
This week we jump ahead in the lectionary to what will be the early days of forming Christ’s church in the world.
The Last ‘Come To Jesus’ Meeting
A few years back, we did a little exploration of the question, 'What's a church for?' It was a provocative question, and we came up with some interesting answers.
What Did We See?
When it comes to the Risen Christ, it seems like believing is seeing. Walking on the road to Emmaus that evening of Easter, two disciples encounter Jesus. But, of course, they don't recognize him.
Unlock Your Doors
While Easter Sunday is a once a year event, the Easter season lasts 50 days. Over the course of these 50 days we'll be thinking as a community about how to be Easter people in a hurting world.