Listening for Lent and Walking Among the Snakes

Fourth Sunday in Lent | Bulletin

“Listening for Lent and walking among the snakes.”  That’s the message our guest preacher, the Rev. Dr. J. Terry Todd plans for us this week!  Everyone knows John 3:16, ‘God so loved the world…’, but back up a verse or two, and you run into the snakes, an ancient symbol of healing.  And we need some healing.

Terry is no stranger to St Paul & St Andrew!  As one of the pastors of Rivers of Living Water (with whom we share the building when there’s a building to share) and who helped lead the past several Ash Wednesday services, he is around here a lot.  and he’s a wise and wonderful person. 

More formally, Terry is professor of American Religious Studies at Drew University in Madison, NJ. His research and teaching focus on how religious ideas, practices, and institutions in the United States developed within 20th-century America, and how forms of popular media shape the way we think about ourselves in relation to religion, spirituality, Christianity, and the American nation. Terry has a particular interest exploring religious conflicts over family life and sexuality, and the way Christian and ideas and practices shape politics and media in the US.  He received his PhD from Columbia University, his MDiv from Harvard University and his BA from Boston University.

We’ll see you on Sunday!
K & Lea

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