Unbinding the Children and the Rest of Us, Too

Sunday, July 2 at 10am | Bulletin

ā€œUnbindingĀ theĀ Children, andĀ theĀ RestĀ ofĀ Us, Tooā€


We return to the lectionary this Sunday with a reading of one of the most terrifying and triggering stories in the Bible — theĀ Akedah, the binding of Isaac. The narrativeĀ has troubled its hearers ā€“ Jews, Christians, and Muslims ā€“ throughout time. Itā€™s a testĀ ofĀ faith that Abraham passes. Right?Ā  Abraham did what God asked him to do: he obeyed, and Isaac was spared.Ā  For mostĀ ofĀ us, that conventional interpretation is a little too facile.

Like any brilliant narrative,Ā theĀ AkedahĀ raises more questions than it answers. My first question is, what kindĀ ofĀ monstrous divine being would ask a parent to place their child on a woodpile, then raise a knife to take their life as a sacrifice to God?Ā  Other questions rapidly emerge: Ā Did Abraham hear God correctly? IsĀ thisĀ story a relicĀ ofĀ a primitive societyā€™s practiceĀ ofĀ child sacrifice?Ā  Surely, weā€™ve evolved beyond that, right?Ā  Or have we?Ā  How many childrenā€™s lives have been sacrificed onĀ theĀ altarsĀ ofĀ ourĀ greed,Ā ourĀ AR-15 rifles,Ā ourĀ inattention to a climate emergency that is taking ā€“Ā right now!Ā ā€“ more and more lives?Ā  Doesnā€™t our society, too, sacrifice children, poor folks, people in pain, and folks onĀ theĀ wrong sideĀ ofĀ theĀ railroad tracks?

InĀ theĀ story, a messenger from God interruptsĀ theĀ violent sacrifice. He calls to Abraham. Twice. Abraham dropsĀ theĀ knife and unbinds Isaac.Ā  If we turnĀ theĀ interpretive lens a certain way,Ā theĀ story becomes less about Abrahamā€™s obedience and more aboutĀ theĀ necessityĀ ofĀ Isaacā€™s unbinding andĀ theĀ childā€™s freedom to flourish,Ā which isĀ theĀ rightĀ ofĀ every human being. Who was that messenger?Ā  Do we haveĀ theĀ courage to becomeĀ theĀ kindĀ ofĀ messengers who proclaim life in a societyĀ ofĀ violence and death? What sacrifices are requiredĀ ofĀ us to become witnesses to life?

We’ll consider these questions together come Sunday.

See you then,

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