Worship & Sermon Archive

Enjoy past sermons and services with videos and notes below.

Reckoning and Reasoning

As I often point out, Jesus never tells us, 'Don't make enemies;' He assumes that if we follow his way of radical welcome...

When Nothing Makes Sense

In this week’s Gospel, we find Jesus on a level plain, for Luke’s version of the Sermon on the Mount, in the midst of a crowd in need of healing.

This Far By Faith

I know we've been at church all along, every Sunday, whether online or in person.  And we'll continue to livestream the service, same as always. 

Going His Way

It could have been so easy for Jesus that day in Nazareth. Returning home with a reputation, showing up at shul, basking in the glow of admiration...

In the Power of the Spirit

The way the Gospel of Luke tells the story, nobody can do anything worthwhile without the active help of the Spirit of God. Not even Jesus.

When the Wine Runs Out

What do we do when the wine gives out? I've been thinking about that question metaphorically this week.

Unwrapping Wisdom

This Sunday, our worship service will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel, with the congregation gathering safely from a distance. 

The God Who Makes Things New

What a year it's been! Let's hope for a much better 2022, and let's work together, and together with our God, to help that to come about.

A Word About That Word

Thank you for joining us today.

Family-Friendly Christmas Eve Service

We've waited. We've watched. We've prepared him room. And now, friends, with candles and carols, through story and song...

Lessons & Carols

St. Paul & St. Andrew’s ever-miraculous (“How on earth did they do that?”) Service of Lessons and Carols is back this Sunday...

Towards a Fearless Embrace

We've waited all year; it's almost here! What? The SPSA Christmas Pageant, of course!

Towards a Fearless Embrace

Among Joseph's many emotions at hearing that Mary is pregnant with a child that is not his (disappointment, anger, frustration, betrayal, confusion), the one that God's angel focuses on is fear: 'Don't be afraid, Joseph.

Towards a Fearless Embrace

Over and over again in the scriptures, God speaks, either directly or through messengers. God’s voice can be heard time and again, saying, “Fear not!”

Be Not Afraid: The Journey to a Fearless Embrace of the Holy

This year, we’ll spend the weeks of Advent exploring the theme, Be Not Afraid: The Journey Towards a Fearless Embrace of the Holy. 

Abundant Living, Abundant Awareness

I was sitting next to a rabbi friend one Thanksgiving interfaith service when this passage from 2 Corinthians was read.

Abundant Living, Abundant Awareness

Of all our biblical ancestors, Hannah is the one I turn to when thinking about prayer. Hannah knows prayer - fierce prayer!

Abundant Living, Abundant Giving

This week we'll begin a new sermon series on "Abundant Living". Abundance in scripture is not about quantity, it's about quality.

Reformation: Cutting to the Chase

The heart of the Christian message is simple.  How, then, does it get so screwed up?

Reformation: Our Part in the Progress

This Sunday, we are delighted to welcome Rev. Doris Dalton as our guest preacher.