Behold and Beheld
To know something by feeling it in your body — something we all experience but we don’t all talk about.
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To know something by feeling it in your body — something we all experience but we don’t all talk about.
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An Impatient Persistence Sunday, October 16 at 11 am | Bulletin “Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart.” Luke 18:1 Jesus came to teach us to love, to save us from ourselves, and to announce the web of interconnectedness he called the Kin-dom of God.
Worship for October 16, 2022 Read More »
I love being an immigrant to this country (most days). My experience as a British-born Nigerian immigrant informs and shapes my experiences as an American.
Who wouldn’t like a bit more faith? Especially after the past several years, which seemed to require every scrap of faith we could muster.
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Welcome Back Sunday! You are cordially invited to a celebration of God’s abundant love and extravagant welcome.
Lots of news lately concerning something near and dear to many: our jobs! We hear about ‘quiet quitting’ (which is, basically, doing but not overdoing your job).
This Sunday is September 11th, a date that still scars and sears the memory for most of us. What loss we experienced that day, collectively and individually!
Happy Labor Day Weekend! ‘Labor’ has certainly taken on new meanings in our ‘new normal’ world.
I arrived last night (after a 23-hour flight!) from a week in Cape Town, South Africa with the Tutu Center and General Seminary.
This week in worship, we’ll consider how prayer is an act of faith, of trust in God. We’ll think about how we can live prayerfully, keeping alive…