Worship & Sermon Archive

Enjoy past sermons and services with videos and notes below.

So What Now?

This weekend, here in the church world, is a pretty important weekend liturgically. From the anticipation of Advent to the hype of Christmas and the joy of baby Jesus being born...

Turning the World Around

New Year's Eve is really just another day. Except that it provides us with an excuse, an opportunity, to assess our life and think about the future. 

Christmas Eve

That's my own (loose) translation of what scripture tells us happened in a random stable on the outskirts of a backwater town in the ancient Jewish land of Judea...

Lessons & Carols

Friends, We've waited all year - it's almost here! The cherished St Paul & St Andrew Service of Lessons & Carols, that is!

Second Sunday of Advent

Friends, Come this Sunday at 11am for the fabulous St. Paul St. Andrew Christmas Pageant.

First Sunday of Advent

Friends, How do you get ready for Christmas? Some, like my family, decorate the day after Thanksgiving. The tree and the wreaths and the nativities all go up, even before the official start of Advent.

Reign of Christ Sunday

It seems strange to me that in some understandings of Christianity, what matters is what you believe and not what you do.


As you may remember, "talent" (τάλαντον in Greek) originally referred to a unit of money. A very big unit of money!

Inherit Responsibly

Even before October 7th, I had picked the Joshua passage to preach on for my first sermon at St. Paul St. Andrew.

Running With the Saints

Whenever we gather in worship, we join with other followers of Jesus we cannot see. Communion is always a 'communion of saints', past, present and future - a community beyond time and space.

Back and Forth

So much of our time on this earth is planning for the future. What's for dinner? What will I wear on Sunday? What do I want to be when I grow up?

In the Beginning Is the Relationship

What does God expect of us, anyway? John Wesley came up with three 'general rules': Do no harm; Do good; Pay attention to God.

Great Expectations

What does God expect of us, anyway? John Wesley came up with three 'general rules': Do no harm; Do good; Pay attention to God.

“Love in Action”

We do this work together and with God. We are called to live in community because through this holy connection, the impossible can happen!

Beloved and Betrayed

Have you ever been hurt, even to the point of feeling betrayed? (And don’t we all know what it’s like to be hurt?) If so, this Sunday’s sermon is for you.

Water From a Rock

That's the question that the Israelites ask each other as they wander, thirsty, in the wilderness. Their frustration is understandable: there is no water for them to drink...

Bread for the Journey

What do you need? That's a question that seems a bit fraught. If I'm the one doing the asking, say when someone comes to the church asking for help...

The Mercies of Traveling

With the Book of Exodus in our lectionary, it is so appropriate to leave the confines of the sanctuary for the wide open spaces of Riverside Park!

First Impressions

It’s back to school week, a season of new routines, new experiences, and first impressions for many in our community, whether heading to preschool or grad school...

Liberating Church

My three months of work on the pastoral team at St. Paull and St. Andrew’s is coming to an end this Sunday, September 3rd.