Worship & Sermon Archive
Enjoy past sermons and services with videos and notes below.
Up Close and Personal
There is a wisdom in our faith tradition. Easter is celebrated not as a day, not as a week, but for a full season.
Maundy Thursday
Join us as we gather in remembrance of Jesus' last supper with his friends. We will spend time in contemplation and share in holy communion.
The Christ Connection
This Sunday, we mark the time when Jesus makes his final entrance into Jerusalem. We will wave palms, shout our hosannas, and give praise to the One who comes in the name of the Lord.
Listening for Lent: The Christ Connection
A year ago this week, the world shut down. And so did the church--except we didn't, thanks to you.
Listening for Lent and Walking Among the Snakes
Listening for Lent and walking among the snakes." That's the message our guest preacher, the Rev. Dr. J. Terry Todd plans for us this week!
Listening for Lent: Sacred Spaces
Seeing the corruption of the Jerusalem temple makes Jesus angry, as angry as he ever gets. In contrast, his response to his death sentence...
Second Sunday in Lent
The journey of Lent is a journey with Jesus to the cross. How do we do that? Jesus makes it seem easy, three simple steps. Until you start to think about it.
First Sunday in Lent
Welcome to Lent! This is the first week of Lent. For the next 40 or so days we are invited to spend time with Jesus in the wilderness...
Transfiguration Sunday
This week, the New York Annual Conference is providing all the churches with a 'respite worship service.'
Recovering from Spiritual Amnesia
We are nearing the end of Epiphany and we are at the start of Black History Month.
The Faith of a Few Friends
This week we'll consider the story of the paralyzed person who is brought to Jesus on a sort of stretcher, carried by four of his friends.
Left In the Boat
When Jesus calls us to something, what are we called to leave behind? Can we leave it behind, and should we?
Like the First Morning
Please help us continue to create meaningful virtual worship and support essential ministries by giving online...
All Through the Night
Journey with our confirmands this week as we, like the magi, set out with hope and determination to witness Jesus' borning cry in our aching world.
Digital Worship for Christmas Eve
Most of us I imagine will be home for Christmas, though not exactly the way the songs have it. Wherever you are, we hope you will join us Christmas Eve...
Lessons & Carols
The message of John 1 is that the Word of God wants to live with us, move in with us, become part of our lives. That Word is comes to us in many ways.