Worship & Sermon Archive
Enjoy past sermons and services with videos and notes below.
Holy Worry
'What are you worried about?' I asked in an email to the church community. And I got back a flood of responses.
For All Our Saints
This week I have gotten in touch with the huge sense of loss that comes from thinking about the staggering loss of life of the past 8 months.
In It For the Long Haul
This week, we finally reach the end of Moses' story. After 40 years of wandering in the desert, he dies just as the Promised Land is within reach.
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Jesus said, "Where your treasure is there will your heart be also." Whether we are people of faith or not, There is always something we worship...
Reclaiming Covenant
Our wilderness wandering continues this week. We find ourselves, like the Israelites, desperate for a destination and not knowing how to summon it.
Water from a Rock
Stories like this one, of the Israelites complaining about lack of food, lack of water, lack of leadership, scholars call 'murmuring stories'.
Wide Open Spaces
We'll pick up our story from last week when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and meet them on the other side where they struggle to see how God...
Just Go
That line is actually not in the Bible, although it's certainly implied. After ten chapters detailing as many plagues...
A Labor of Love
Take what belongs to you and go; I choose to give to this last the same as I give to you. Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me?
Smoke Signals
In 1706, the hymnist Isaac Watts, wrote the lyric to “God is the Name My Soul Adores,” telling the story of Moses confronting the burning bush.
That Sinking Feeling
Peter got out of the boat! When I read the story of Jesus walking across the water to get to the disciples, that's the part that gets to me.
Be Still
The disciples woke Jesus up, saying, 'Rabbi, don't you care that we are perishing?' - We find ourselves in the middle of a storm in a very small boat.
Today is a Good Day to Arrest the Killers of Breonna Taylor
This weekend we will revisit the story of Hagar and "El Roi"--"The God who sees" through the lens of #BLM and #JusticeforBreonnaTaylor.
Making Mustard
This week we're not talking about anything big. We're talking about the Kin-dom of Heaven. And that, Jesus tells us, is very small. No bigger than a mustard seed.
Looking Ahead
It is clear that whatever follows this pandemic will be different from the world we left behind. But what kind of world will it be?
Many Rooms
There's nothing like a couple of months spent confined to your apartment to make you long for a bit more space. A balcony, maybe, or just an extra closet. More room.
The Last Breakfast
What are you hungry for? What's missing in your life right now, your quarantined life? A hug? Human contact? Work? Coffee hour?
The Hidden Gems of Jesus
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