Worship & Sermon Archive

Enjoy past sermons and services with videos and notes below.

Easter Sunday

We’ll join together for a Celebration of the Resurrection. SPSA Musicians and Minister of Music Frank Glass will make sure to greet us all with a joyful noise! 

Good Friday

To commemorate the Last Supper, we’ll gather in the sanctuary for a time of meditation and communion, with time for silent reflection and prayer.

Maundy Thursday

To commemorate the Last Supper, we’ll gather in the sanctuary for a time of meditation and communion, with time for silent reflection and prayer.

Donkey Day

It's Palm Sunday, fondly known around here as 'Donkey Day'!

Worship for March 26, 2023

Where do we go when relationships hurt us? St. Paul & St. Andrew is going deep in our Lenten exploration of rupture and repair.

Worship for March 19, 2023

Do you want to be made well? There are times I've asked myself that question. My hurts and ailments, my indignity over petty injustices...

Worship for March 12, 2023

The story of Jesus' encounter with the woman of Samaria is my favorite story in my least favorite Gospel. 

Worship for March 5, 2023

Happy Birthday St. Paul & St. Andrew! On March 5, 1835, this congregation came together formally for the first time.

Worship for February 26, 2023

We are reflecting this Lent on how we can answer the call to be "repairers of the breach."

A Call To Contemplative Action

Happy Transfiguration Sunday! The final Sunday before Lent always brings us to the mountaintop, the high place where Jesus holds a summit...

The Impossible Commandment

The thrust of Jesus' advice to us is this: trust God and live in the blessing of this moment.

Salt and Light

When Jesus speaks to his followers in the Sermon on the Mount, he doesn't say that they could be, might be, or even will be salt and light.

Peculiar Blessings

That's the way Matthew's gospel introduces the famous Sermon on the Mount. For the following 111 verses, Jesus speaks and speaks...

Nothing Special

We sometimes get the impression that Jesus goes out hunting for disciples, looking for disciple-y looking people as he walks along the shore.

What Are You Looking For?

These are the first words Jesus speaks in the Gospel According to John. He asks that of two disciples of John the Baptist who have caught a glimpse of him...

Another Way

Happy Epiphany! The Epiphany (literally, a sudden appearance, as in the sunrise) marks the moment when Jesus is seen by the Wise Ones...

Staying In Time

This Sunday, we’ll ring in the new calendar year together.  We’ll take the time we have to wonder about what season it is in our lives, as we move from one to the next. 

Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

Please join us on Saturday at 10:45pm in the sanctuary for the beloved Candlelight Service. Our celebration will include an angelic string quartet...

Lessons & Carols

This Sunday, December 18, at 10:55 AM on the dot begins St. Paul & St. Andrew’s ever-delightful, ever-charming, ever-stirring...

Choosing Christmas

What could be more fitting a guide to embodying joy than a Christmas Pageant?  Our kids, families, and pastoral team will bring life to the tale of Jesus's birth...