Worship & Sermon Archive
Enjoy past sermons and services with videos and notes below.
Water Works
Think about it: water is a recurrent biblical theme, from the Spirit vibrating over the watery chaos at creation, through the escape of the Israelites from slavery...
Praise Report
I would guess you did pretty good and added on easily with "Joyful, Joyful, we adore Thee," even if you got stuck afterwards.
Jesus Won’t Send You To the 7-Eleven!
It’s summer and maybe you’re heading off to find an uncrowded place for vacay. The Jersey Shore? A lake? A national park?
Be Still My Heart
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Life In the Spirit
It’s been quite a week in news headlines, hasn’t it? The groaning of creation is palpable right now, as is the fear, anxiety and despair...
When God Comes To Live With Us
It’s challenging to have houseguests in NYC. For most of us fortunate enough to have housing, our spaces are small. An extra bedroom? Probably not.
Step Out To Look In
It’s the travel season. Lots of us take advantage of the summertime to visit family and folks elsewhere, host friends or become amateur tour guides for friends visiting...
Unbinding the Children and the Rest of Us, Too
We return to the lectionary this Sunday with a reading of one of the most terrifying and triggering stories in the Bible -- the Akedah, the binding of Isaac.
Whose Pride Goeth Before the Fall?
Yet isn’t pride one of the Christian tradition’s seven deadly sins? There’s also the biblical proverb that has entered popular discourse (incorrectly)...
Freedom, Revived
In this text, Habakkuk, the prophet, is angry at God. Why hasn’t your justice arrived, Habakkuk complains?
Tent Pitching
Have you ever had to pitch a tent? As many of you may know, I struggle with "fun" or "leisurely" outdoor activities. It's mostly my suburban upbringing...
Ready, Steady, Go?
This Sunday, we get to officially welcome Rev. Dr. J. Terry Todd to our pastoral team. He’s not at all new to us.
So, as you're all probably tired of hearing by now, Amanda and I graduated from Union Theological Seminary last weekend.
Ready To Take Off
On Ascension Day, the risen Christ takes off, leaving the Apostles to figure out what to do with the rest of their lives.
Cite Your Sources
It is hard not to get stuck in hopelessness. It is hard not to feel stalled by overwhelm. The enormity of injustice and the numbers of needs...
Whose Coats Are We Holding?
I've always been intrigued by this throwaway line in the story of the stoning of Stephen. Saul (who would later become Paul) didn't throw a stone.
Feeling Sheepish? A Meditation on Psalm 23
The Twenty-third Psalm is probably pretty familiar to you. If you've been to enough funerals and memorial services, maybe you know it by heart.
Lifted by Love
How many times have you experienced something miraculous, but didn't notice it in the moment?
Testifying Thomas
For the 50 days of this season, we'll reflect on the theme of Renewal & Resurrection. The biblical example of the disciples, and in particular Thomas...